The links between gadgets and social behavior in our lives continues to generate interest across the globe. Recently there has been increasing interest in understanding the social realities created and impacted by the technological evolution, which has resulted in the global village in which we operate.
Of particular interest is the potential for gadgets to harm or enhance social interactions and the way relationships are developed and sustained.
We create relationships through bonds we form and how we communicate, our very connections and links and how we chose to craft our identities through associations and affinity.
It has long been posited that communities and identities are socially constructed and shaped by wider social, cultural and economic factors resulting in fundamental transformations when these factors evolve. More so, technology has been frequently identified as the key driving force behind such transformations. There is a lot of prior research that proves the harmful effects of technology on relationships.

History have witnessed and told us since the Ice age that there will be more ages if you count them nation wise. Every age brought a new technology and gadget into this world.
This age that we are living in is called New Media Age, Technology age, Internet age, Digital Age or information age. Our ancestors have gone through the age of information so today it is beyond that. What exactly is TECH age?
T – Technology becomes
E – Exploitable because of the
C – Cheap rates and
H – High availability.
Today with more than 7, 279, 237, 000 people living is this world, there is a huge decrease in the prices of gadgets. Now every common man can afford a TV, Smart Phone, Tablets, Laptops, Computer and Car. Hence it is a TECH age. People can access easily to all types of devices and gadgets for internet. Due to cheap rates and high availability, Internet cafes have closed down and now maximum people can benefit from the all over globe internet. This is also increasing the cybercrime in the world.
The internet can be both helpful as well as a maniac tool for people.
Even though it is claiming to bring together the people, it is basically a threat of separating relationships even further apart. People are leaving to the technology to do emotional related work for them.

However they don’t realize the fact that typed message on cell phone or online can leave much more fierce scars then spoken words.
Physical presence and being available for a text message are two completely opposite matters.
People tend to let technology do the easy work for them which should be discouraged.
“The internet is compulsive,” Psychotherapist Lisa O’Hara says. “It can have a stronger draw than the person sitting beside you.
You can be in the same room as a person and yet you’re not really there; “People can feel anxious and as though they are missing out if they can hear or see their phones,” says psychotherapist Tony Ryan. “Make a deliberate decision to turn the phone off, put it away, and have a tech-free hour or two.”

Parrot DISCO:
Disco is a fascinating project: a fast, smart, ultra-light drone with around 45 minutes of flight time. This will be the first “ready-to-fly” wing-shaped drone, and the first everyone can easily pilot. Just mount the wings to the body and throw it in the air. No piloting skills are required.